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Renata Rosa

Great singer and musical explorer, accompanied by her rabeca, her rural violin, traditional percussions and multiple strings.


Renata Rosa bathes in the religious and secular festivals of Pernambuco. A rhythmic and pulsating universe, of festive and ritual communion, where dance and music intertwine.


With her feminine expression of the “caboclo” universe (the mixed race of white and Indian), Renata Rosa reinvents the traditional world of Pernambuco and invites her to each of her concerts, putting her powerful voice at the service of rural dances. Brazilian (ciranda, côco, maracatu and other popular ball dances)



+ New album in preparation!

"Rainhas de Fogo"

Released in Brazil and Europe in 2023


Special touring project

See at the bottom of the page

+ Cine Rabeca news: Renata and her rabeca master, Seu Luis Paixao

+ Infos on Seu Luis Paixão (album released + vinyl to come)

Albums to listen to
"Manto dos Sonhos" (Outro Brasil)
"Zunido da Mata" (Outro Brasil)
"Encantaçoes" (Helico)





Artist based in Recife - Brazil

Availability: summer 2022 + on request



Line up:

Renata Rosa - vocals, rabeca (rural violin)

Laís de Assis - viola, acoustic guitar, backing vocals

Amenduim - percussion, backing vocals

Hugo Lins - bass

They programmed her... 
And you?

City Theater / Paris, FRA

Louvre Museum / Paris, FRA

Quai Branly Museum / Paris, FRA

Jazz Sous les Pommiers / Coutances, FRA

Nancy Jazz Pulsations / Nancy, FRA

Ile de France Festival / Paris, FRA

Midem / Cannes, FRA

Festival Voix de Femmes / Maury, FRA

Rhizomes Festival / Paris, FRA


Cine Rabeca
Special project

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On stage, interactive concert and documentary:

Ciné Rabeca is a fusion of the concert and a documentary about Renata Rosa and her rabeca master, Seu Luiz Paixão.


On stage, the two artists play forrós, cocos and cavalos-marinhos, during a dialogue with their own projected images, filmed between 1991 and 2010 in the Zona da Mata and in Olinda, in the state of Pernambuco, during the traditional festivals, rehearsals and their daily lives by popular artists.


During this performance, live music is performed under the ambient noise of streets, parties, and the tuning of rabecas in the film in the background, in an articulation between the individual memories of the musicians and the cultural memory.  


The Ciné Rabeca is the meeting between tradition and modernity through the mixture of various artistic languages.


Artists Based in Brazil

Line up:

Renata Rosa / vocals, rabeca (rural violin)

Seu Luiz Paixão / vocals, rabeca (rural violin)

Marcia Mansour (director) / projection and its technique


The installation will be done in collaboration with the technical team of the room.


  • Facebook - White Circle
  • Instagram - Cercle blanc
  • YouTube - Cercle blanc
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